New Sitecore 8.2 & Sitecore 9 Security Patch

I guess I’m on a security hardening binge for 2019, since I’ll share a hot-off-the-presses security hardening measure from Sitecore today. I don’t want to say too much about the vulnerability, but this article explains in general terms and applying it to all Sitecore server roles for version 8.2 through any current 9 releases is emphasized as the best practice. I’d do it at the next opportunity.

I created a gist with the PowerShell necessary to apply this patch, just update line #8 with the path to your Sitecore website:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Import-Module WebAdministration
$url = ""
$tempLocation = "C:\tempLocation"
$zippedPatch = "$tempLocation\"
$unzippedPatch = "$tempLocation\SitecoreSupportPackage"
$sitecoreRoot = "C:\InetPub\Your\Sitecore\Website"
if (!(Test-Path $tempLocation))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempLocation
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $zippedPatch
Expand-Archive -Path $zippedPatch -DestinationPath $unzippedPatch -Force
Copy-Item "$unzippedPatch/website/*" -Destination $sitecoreRoot -Recurse -Force
Write-Host "Patch applied to $sitecoreRoot"
Remove-Item $unzippedPatch -Recurse
Remove-Item $zippedPatch -Recurse

Our team has internal automation taking the above a bit further and using another layer of abstraction, and that’s secret Rackspace sauce I won’t share publicly,  but the snippet above should have your environment patched in just a few seconds.

One of the key elements to the patch involves an update to the /sitecore/admin/logs.aspx page which, if you dig into it, reveals a grip-load of additional C# validation logic and other stuff going on . . .


There’s a lot to unpack in there if you’re curious, but suffice it to say that Sitecore’s keeping all your bases covered and isn’t trusting user input (using a broad interpretation of that principle).

Sitecore Commerce security hardening note

Let’s start the New Year off with a fun Sitecore Commerce note. Using the latest Sitecore Commerce available today, that is running Sitecore 9.0 update-2 with Sitecore Commerce update-3 (you have to cross-reference and to really sort this out), we’re applying routine security hardening.

Now that Sitecore is truly built on a hybrid of “plain” .Net and .Net Core, this security hardening effort is more nuanced.

Sitecore is still updating their documentation for the Sitecore 9 space and one can end up at dead-ends like that leads you over to the .Net Framework documentation when there are better notes with 100% relevancy to Sitecore elsewhere on the Sitecore site. I persevered and eventually found Sitecore’s updated information like this on the hash algorithm Still, this documentation overlooks the .Net Core details and given that this Sitecore Commerce project we’re working on will use the latest and greatest, we had to do our own research.

Fortunately, we have some history with this having published or earlier versions going back several years. The PowerShell we’ve used for ages to automate this work, however, wasn’t going to cut it with this new Commerce and .Net Core dimension:


Instead, we need to do something like this to update the JSON configuration for the Sitecore Identity Server. While you could get fancy and parse the JSON, I used a more direct replace approach to knock this out quickly:

$siteNamePrompt = Read-Host "enter Identity Server website name"
$site = get-website -name $siteNamePrompt
$appSettingsPath = "{0}\wwwroot\appsettings.json" -f $site.physicalPath
Get-Content $appSettingsPath).replace("""PasswordHashAlgorithm"":""SHA1""},", """PasswordHashAlgorithm"":""SHA512""},") | Set-Content $appSettingsPath

The end result is  that SitecoreIdentityServer\wwwroot\appsettings.json file needs an updated PasswordHashAlgorithm value:

        “IDServerCertificateStoreLocation”: “LocalMachine”,
“IDServerCertificateStoreName”: “My”,
        “PasswordHashAlgorithm”: “SHA512”

Given the distributed nature of Sitecore 9 with Commerce, I think a discrete change like this just for the IdentityServer doesn’t warrant a lot of effort to integrate into the bigger security hardening Powershell script we use. It may be worthwhile to just update SIF at this point instead of applying security hardening after the Sitecore installation is complete. We’re also talking about SIF extension modules to run this type of logic after SIF is complete. For now, I’ll probably just keep this note handy for the foreseeable future and see whether Sitecore integrates the security hardening guidance directly into SIF in a future release (hint hint!) — or, over time we may collect a set of these best practice adjustments that deserves more effort to automate into a scripted deployment. For now, I think I’ve taken it as far as it deserves.