Encrypting Sitecore connection strings for Sitecore Commerce, Azure SQL, and beyond

There’s been a lot of Sitecore Commerce on my plate this Summer, and sadly one limitation of using that product for some customers is the requirement for SQL Server authentication instead of Active Directory and Windows Auth; I won’t get into why they need SQL auth at this point, but trust that in many use-cases this is a necessity.

In an effort to always deliver a secured platform for customers, at Rackspace we encrypt the App_Config/connectionStrings.config file to avoid having plaintext usernames and passwords on disk.    This is a link to our Rackspace GitHub “gist” performing such encryption with the ASP.Net tool aspnet_regiis.exe.  The logic is also there to un-encrypt, in case that’s necessary.

Encryption success
You can update the $configLocation variable at the top of the script to point to where your Sitecore installation is located; you then run this script using PowerShell, and you’ll get an output like this.

Once you’ve run the script, your connectionStrings.config file will resemble this:

Before you get too excited, for Sitecore Commerce in the current incarnation, there are several other plaintext passwords on disk in the \CommerceAuthoring\wwwroot\data\Environments and related .json files for both SQL and Sitecore.  The PowerShell I’ve shared doesn’t address those areas.  The Sitecore Commerce documentation does a good job of cataloging where to find these references, at least, but this still leaves a lot to be desired in terms of security.

I’m not going to go too far down this path, since I mostly wanted to post the PowerShell we use to automate SQL Server connection string encryption.  This technique can be useful for a variety of projects, not just for Sitecore Commerce — although this is the use case we’re repeatedly seeing right now.  If I have time, I’ll share some other Sitecore Commerce tips around Azure SQL friendly deployments (Sitecore’s documentation is a decent start, but lacking in some respects).

Here’s the script to encrypt/decrypt those Sitecore connectionStrings.config file:

– The encyption is specific to each server, so this needs to be run separately on every IIS server
– ASPNet_RegIIS requires a web.config file to operate, so we have to massage our Sitecore .config into a web.config format it will understand
1) Copy current Connectionstrings.config to a file named "web.config"
2) insert <configuration> node surrounding the <connectionStrings> XML
3) run this new web.config file through aspNet_RegIIS…
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" "S:\Sitecore\TEST-CMS\website\App_Config"
4) take the contents of the — now encrypted — web.config file and pull the information within the
<connectionStrings>…</connectionStrings> nodes and overwrite what's currently in connectionStrings.config
$configLocation = "S:\Sitecore\website\App_Config"
#this is here only in case you want a back-up, but don't blindly leave a back-up around or it defeats the purpose of encrypting
#Copy-Item -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Destination ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.PlainText.backup")
Copy-Item -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Destination ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('</connectionStrings>', '</connectionStrings></configuration>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('<connectionStrings>', '<configuration><connectionStrings>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionStrings" $configLocation
$encryptedString = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$encryptedString.replace('</connectionStrings></configuration>', '</connectionStrings>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$encryptedString = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$encryptedString.replace('<configuration><connectionStrings', '<connectionStrings') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
#this is now our XML to inject into the Sitecore connectionStrings.config
$encryptedString = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
Clear-Content -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config")
Set-Content -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Value $encryptedString
Remove-Item ($configLocation + "\web.config")
Write-Host "$configLocation\webconnectionStrings.config is now encrypted" -ForegroundColor Magenta
# to un-encrypt, run the following from the machine that performed the encryption. ConnectionStrings will be revealed in plain text in a new web.config file
$configLocation = "S:\Sitecore\website\App_Config"
Copy-Item -Path ($configLocation + "\connectionStrings.config") -Destination ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('</connectionStrings>', '</connectionStrings></configuration>') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings = Get-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
$plainConnectionStrings.replace('<connectionStrings', '<configuration><connectionStrings') | Set-Content ($configLocation + "\web.config")
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -pdf "connectionStrings" $configLocation
Write-Host "Check $configLocation\web.config for the plain text configuration" -ForegroundColor Magenta

A few Solr thoughts

Solr has never been more pervasive through the Sitecore projects I’m seeing these days.  Deciding which version of Solr for a greenfield Sitecore project, however, is not clear-cut.

Easy answer: use Solr 5.1

Sitecore’s KB article on compatibility with Solr serves as our official reference when it comes to selecting a Solr version to standardize on.  At face-value, if you’re using Sitecore version 8.2, you’re steered to Solr version 5.1:


The diagram has a note [3], however, that is worth noting:

WARN  Unable to connect to Solr: [http://{hostname}:{port}/solr], the [SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException] was caught.
Exception: SolrNet.Exceptions.SolrConnectionException
Message: Error handling 'status' action
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error handling 'status' action
  • “To resolve issue, upgrade Solr to 5.5.1 or later version.”

Easy answer: use Solr 5.5.1

I asked Sitecore support about this, and in fact the guidance I received from Sitecore Support was to build on Solr version 5.5.1 instead of what the KB article states.  There are no plans to alter the guidance in that KB article, however, since Sitecore 8.2 as a whole platform was thoroughly tested with Solr 5.1.  Apparently, Solr 5.5.1 was not available at the time of that testing.

Anecdotally, Sitecore has found fewer errors when using Solr 5.5.1 instead of Solr 5.1 — when pressed for specifics, it was shared that these two Solr issues have caused problems for other Sitecore implementations:

  1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-8793
    • FileNotFoundException or NoSuchFileException with Solr — see comment from Sitecore KB article that it can cause “Unable to connect to Solr” exceptions in some cases
  2. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-7188
    • NRTCachingDirectory error where an IllegalStateException exception is thrown

Easy answer: there are no easy answers

I’ve worked with a number of Solr 5.1 projects with Sitecore, and some using other Solr versions prior to Solr 5.5.1, but haven’t encountered the above errors as major impediments.

It’s tempting to use Solr 5.5.1, but if a project is using EXM or WFFM or Sitecore Commerce or some other combination of technology edge case, it’s at least theoretically possible that Sitecore support could fall back on the officially published “Solr 5.1 ✓ ‘officially tested, recommended'” guidance from their KB article.  That’s enough for us to approach new Sitecore projects depending on Solr to go with Solr version 5.1 and keep an eye out for those particular gotchas that may cause us to upgrade to Solr 5.5.1.

The catch is, if you’re upgrading Solr and stopping at Solr 5.5.1 — is there a strong rationale not to upgrade beyond  5.5.1?  At this point, http://archive.apache.org/dist/lucene/solr/ has a wealth of newer Solr versions that are bound to have more patches and fixes that 5.5.1.  This is what you call a slippery slope:


I have to be careful here as I walk the line of a non-discolosure agreement, but there are still more variables to consider: in the near future, a Sitecore release is likely to involve thorough Solr support for a very recent version of Solr.  Expect a Solr version newer than 5.5.1 (which was released May of 2016 ☺).


I believe I’ve sold myself on the wisdom of Solr 5.1 for now — so long as the sacred Sitecore Support ✓ is present on the official compatibility table.  It’s key to continue learning with Solr, though, and in the months to come we may be talking about SolrCloud and managed Solr schemas . . . cool new aspects to improve Sitecore implementations.